As an animated storyteller and no-nonsense businesswoman, Cheryl Obermiller delivers practical solutions. Her Keynotes, Workshops and Trainings will engage audiences of all ages; her delightful sense of humor will leave them elated that they spent an hour or a day learning how to with her knowledge and expertise in business and small business fraud.
Her presentations are available in-person and virtually.
She a frequent speaker and media guest, she reveals the discovery of the embezzlement of her company over an eight-year period and how small businesses (under 100 employees) can discover through her unique FraudPoints System if fraud is in play; how to deal with it; and how to successfully prevent it from happening. Her book, FraudPoints! The Small Business Owners Guide to Outwitting Embezzlers, Thieves and Scallywags, plus everyday business experiences, are the genesis of her presentations.
Her Keynotes include:
Her Workshops and Intensives include:
"By generously sharing her story, Cheryl Obermiller has created a valuable resource for business owners. She has turned her experience as a victim of embezzlement into concrete advice to help others avoid what is a too-common experience.
I teach a class on white-collar crime and use Cheryl’s story to illustrate the devastating, expensive, and long-lasting consequences of embezzlement.
Fraud Points! is an engaging and well-written book, filled with a step-by-step plan to protect a business."
- Jennifer C. Noble, J.D.
Assistant Professor
Division of Criminal Justice
California State University, Sacramento
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